Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties

Aims to provide the trainees the required standard of competence to contribute to the enhancement of maritime security through heightened awareness, recognition of security threats and how to respond appropriately, enabling them to undertake their assigned duties under the Ship Security Plan (SSP), if any.

Intended Learning Outcome/s

After the training/assessment, the participant/s shall be able to:

  • Contribute to the enhancement of maritime security through heightened awareness
  • Recognize of security risks and threats
  • Define the need for and methods of maintaining security awareness and vigilance
  • Adapt the conditions set out in a ship security plan
  • Undertake regular security inspections of the ship
  • Make use of security equipment and systems properly

Course Pre-requisite & Qualification

Ut magna leo, fermentum quis molestie quis, varius ut libero. Duis facilisis magna libero, vel eleifend nibh pretium eget. Donec auctor tristique sagittis. Sed tincidunt est diam, sit amet varius enim congue non. Vivamus ornare mauris eros, eu lacinia leo congue non. Fusce gravida id massa eget scelerisque. Fusce sed neque nisl. Integer a mauris purus. Sed nibh tellus, rhoncus in luctus et, consectetur id dui.

Entry Requirement / Target Group

All Seafarers


Course Duration
1.5 days
Course Schedule

Course Fee
Please contact our Sales and Business Development Department

Sales and Business Development Department

T:   +63 2 8981 6682 local 2143, 2128
DL:   +63 2 8981 6643 / 6628

For more inquiries or course reservation, please contact our Sales and Business Development Department.

+63 2 8981 6682 local 2143, 2128
+63 2 8981 6643 / 6628