Bridge Watchkeeping Refresher Training for Management Level Deck Officers

Aims to provide refresher and updating training for Management Level Deck Officers to refresh their knowledge, understanding and proficiency of the industry best management practices in bridge watchkeeping.

Intended Learning Outcome/s

After the training/assessment, the participant/s shall be able to:

  • Explain the content, application and intent of the standards regarding watchkeeping
  • Evaluate a prepared passage plan and chartwork to ensure they are developed in accordance with the best management practices and company-specific standards
  • Calculate routine practical navigation problems
  • Explain the routine inspections, testing and record-keeping to be carried out on the GMDSS equipment
  • Manage distress messages and safety messages using the GMDSS radio equipment
  • Explain the actions to be taken to avoid storms and cyclones through analysis and interpretation of weather charts
  • Navigate, in a simulated environment, in confined waters through different maritime buoyage systems
  • Explain the content, intent and application of the regulations in preventing collisions at sea
  • Develop an appropriate Master’s Night Orders
  • Explain the best management practices in anchoring in different environmental conditions
  • Explain the frequently-asked questions by Port State Control and vetting inspectors regarding the use, operation, management and maintenance of ECDIS onboard.

Course Prerequisite & Qualification

Management Level Deck officer


Course Duration
5 days
Course Schedule

Course Fee
Please contact our Sales and Business Development Department
Teaching Facility/ies:
CLICK the facility name for Virtual Tour.
» Full Mission Bridge Simulator
» Mini Bridges
» Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

Sales and Business Development Department

T:   +63 2 8981 6682 local 2143, 2128
DL:   +63 2 8981 6643 / 6628

For more inquiries or course reservation, please contact our Sales and Business Development Department.

+63 2 8981 6682 local 2143, 2128
+63 2 8981 6643 / 6628