According to the previously published article, UMTC’s ultimate goal in developing webinars is to sustain online learning. The original set of online courses in the form of webinars are:

  • Generic courses:
    • HAZMAT for Officers Webinar, Marine Fuel Management, Shipboard Safety Officer, Guidance to Port State Control, and Train the Trainer for Online Training
  • Company-specific courses:
    • Anti-Piracy Awareness, Pre-departure briefing, and Safety Awareness Program

Recently, UMTC announced a new set of online and face-to-face courses to continuously intensify its efforts in disseminating high-quality training to maritime aspirants and professionals.

New Webinar Courses

Nutritionally and Healthy Balanced Calendar Menu Learning Video: Series 1 - Healthy Green Cooking

  • This covers a series of meals cooked by our very own Culinary Manager, Chef Gabby Prats, as he demonstrates healthy practical cookery skills whilst discussing healthy ingredients and the importance of a balanced menu. The aim is to provide Ships Cooks new ideas and demonstrate skills that will improve the health of our seafarers at the same time keeping them happy with appetizing food.

One of the many case studies presented during the webinar.

Nutritionally and Healthy Balanced Calendar Menu Webinar

  • This is a live interactive session with our math and culinary instructors where they will be discussing and developing knowledge and skills in shipboard accounting, menu planning provision, and healthy practical cooking skills. This webinar will guide you throughout the inventory process, stock management, and development of menus and yields that are cost-effective, healthy, and nourishing. Using custom-made videos, we will demonstrate practical cookery skills that will enable you to provide excellent service onboard.

The course covers review of the fundamental operation of fractions, concepts of ratio and proportion, recipe conversion, basic inventory, and provision accounting or victualling.

Commercial Admiralty Law for Officers and Masters Webinar

  • Familiarity and mastery of Maritime Law are integral for all maritime professionals. This webinar covers all the key points, scope, and context of Maritime Law and aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of our officers and masters in the practical application of commercial admiralty laws in the maritime industry. Cargo Manifest, Mate Receipt, Hague, Hague-Visby, and Hamburg Rule are some of the important concepts that enrollees will master during the completion of this course.

One of the many case studies presented during the webinar.

Environmental Training Program for Operational Level Officers and Ratings Webinar

  • We, as part of the maritime industry, largely rely on our seas to enable us to work. As such, we must learn how to take care of not only the seas but also the environment as a whole and get a grasp of their importance. In this webinar, you will learn about the diversity of the marine environment and ecology, environmental regulations and compliance plans, the environmental impacts of shipping, sustainable shipping techniques, and more to provide you with the knowledge required in this time of strict environmental compliance.

The image presented is one of the discussions during the webinar regarding one of the alarming cases of MARPOL violations leading to legal action, probation, fines or even imprisonment.

Tropical Storm & Heavy Weather Navigation Learning Video

  • This is a self-learning program consisting of videos, reference information and assignment that aims to update knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to safely sail a vessel around a tropical storm to reduce stress, structural and cargo damage / loss. The training also provides information on parametric rolling and roll resonance due to specific weather conditions. This should enable crews’ to recognize and immediately respond to these conditions to reduce overall damage and cargo loss/claims.

One of the discussions presented in the video refreshes and teaches navigating officers how to plot a tropical storm but more importantly how to plot a course to avoid and minimize the damage that can be caused.

Tropical Storm & Heavy Weather Navigation Webinar

  • This is a self-learning program consisting of videos, reference information and assignment that aims to update knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to safely sail a vessel around a tropical storm to reduce stress, structural and cargo damage / loss. The training also provides information on parametric rolling and roll resonance due to specific weather conditions. This should enable crews’ to recognize and immediately respond to these conditions to reduce overall damage and cargo loss/claims.

This image is taken from the National Hurricane Center as a reference to learn about the characteristics of tropical storms and why they are predictable.

In this new normal, maritime training centers are called to transform digitally to continuously impart training to their enrollees. It might be rare for one to continue the traditional method of training yet UMTC exercised its flexibility and confidently launched new face-to-face courses to grant extra options to individuals who feel less supported with the virtual approach. Precautionary measures are carefully set in place to ensure 100% safety across all enrollees and training facilitators.

New Face-to-Face Courses

Working at Height Operator

  • Safety and protection are at the core of UMTC. This course will define work at height, discuss the risks of working at height, and promote the proper safety culture that is following the LOLER standards. Additionally, the height operator will be trained to learn the necessary safety measures to perform work at heights safely and to respond quickly and appropriately in the event of an emergency.

Trainees gaining confidence working at height in accordance with the guidelines of Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER).

Working at Height Supervisor

  • Reducing the threat posed by the possibility of falling from heights, a common accident onboard is a highly imperative responsibility of a Working at Height Supervisor. A Supervisor is required to have the ability to perform the first-line emergency response, assess site-specific risks, and implement preventive measures to develop a safety culture for working at heights. Per LOLER standards, this course will train enrollees on the roles and responsibilities in implementing preventive measures and help them become competent Working at Height Supervisor.

During the practical exercises, trainees perform a risk assessment, hazard identification and toolbox meeting before conducting work at height.

Maintaining the Operation of Electrical Power Generation and Distribution Systems

  • As electricity powers and controls various machinery onboard ships, from various engine-room and deck machinery to lighting, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, it is vital to learn how to maintain its supply throughout the ship for proper operability and safety. This course will train you to monitor, operate, troubleshoot, and test electrical power generators and distribution panels. Moreover, this course features generator starting, coupling, load-sharing and function testing using full-mission engine room simulators; and distribution panel operation, inspection and malfunction detection using industry-relevant switchboards.

One of the practical exercises during the training is the simulation of the operation of main and emergency switchboards using our Full Mission Engine Room Simulator.

Electro-Technical Training for Marine Engineers

  • This course intends to deepen the knowledge and skills of marine engineers in the operation and maintenance of electro-technical equipment. While the chief engineer is responsible for the department embodied by the marine engineers and their efficiency in operations, maintaining and operating the ship’s main propulsion machinery and auxiliary plant, including deck machinery, air conditioning plants, refrigeration plants, and domestic and electrical services are some of the responsibilities shared by the marine engine officers.

Malfunction detection, testing, and fault-finding on electrical control and motor equipment are some of the hands-on activities during the laboratory exercises.

As one of the top marine training centers of today, UMTC evidently possesses remarkable features and unmatched flexibility towards different learning styles. Embodied by competent maritime professionals, effectively designed online courses, and world-class training, UMTC ensures its clients that they will become experts of their chosen fields and become the best version of themselves. The time is now to enroll in any of these fresh yet highly comprehensive webinars and face-to-face courses. Invest in your maritime future today with UMTC!

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