Engine Room Watchkeeping Refresher Training for Management Level

This program aims to provide refresher and updating training for Management Level Engineer Officers to refresh their knowledge, understanding, and proficiency of the industry’s best management practices in engine watchkeeping and operations.

Intended Learning Outcome/s

After the training/assessment, the participant/s shall be able to:

  • Analyse main engine performance data
  • Evaluate the effect of energy efficient operation of ships based on the fuel consumption of the main engine
  • Calculate voyage’s bunker requirementPrepare letter of protest involving bunkering operation
  • Analyze fuel oil and lube oil test results based on the given standards
  • Calculate the time required for change over of HSFO to MDO
  • Perform changeover of fuel oil consumption from HSFO to MDO in accordance with the established procedures
  • Respond to engine room fires
  • Respond to power failure
  • Respond to engine room flooding
  • Respond to main engine failure
  • Evaluate the regulatory provisions relevant or under the responsibility of engineers of each Annexes in MARPOL 73/78 Convention
  • Prepare for Port State Control inspection
  • Operate electrical, electronic, and control equipment
  • Perform condition monitoring of electrical, electronic and control equipment
  • Perform troubleshooting of electrical, electronic, and control equipment
  • Demonstrate restoration of electrical, electronic, and control equipment

Course Prerequisite & Qualification

Must be a Management Level Marine Engineer Officer


Course Duration
5 days
Course Schedule

Course Fee
Please contact our Sales and Business Development Department
Teaching Facility/ies:
CLICK the facility name for Virtual Tour.
» Engine Room Familiarization

Sales and Business Development Department

T:   +63 2 8981 6682 local 2143, 2128
DL:   +63 2 8981 6643 / 6628
E:   sales@umtc.com.ph

For more inquiries or course reservation, please contact our Sales and Business Development Department.

+63 2 8981 6682 local 2143, 2128
+63 2 8981 6643 / 6628