UMTC Banquet and Socials: Stakeholders Celebrate Triumph

UMTC President (left) Antonio Galvez, Jr. and (right) Managing Director, Donald Bautista
Cheers, and cherish!
United Marine Training Center President Antonio Galvez and Managing Director Engr. Donald Bautista raises glasses to their clients, colleagues, and partners at the UMTC Banquet and Socials atop the UMTC Building in Manila, on the evening of November 23.
Galvez declares the revival of the UMTC’s tradition of open house gatherings for their valued clients and friends from the maritime industry, after almost two years of limited personal contacts because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The event reflects UMTC's promotion of industry collaboration and commitment, with attendees including ship managers, manning agents, educators, suppliers, and even counterparts in the training sector.

with guest Andrea Amado, NATSA-NTSB Chef Gabriel Prats, and TESDA's Florencio Sunico and Nina Dodd
Present also are IMO Maritime Goodwill Ambassador George Hoyt and International Maritime Employers Council (IMEC) Head of Training and Operations Adam Lewis.
Banquet food and entertainment abound, interspersed with messages from UMTC's top brass.
Grateful. Galvez expressed gratitude to their valued clients for sharing their passion for training excellence.
“It is through our partnership and collaboration and your continuous patronage that United Maritime Training Center maintains to be one of the top providers for maritime training in the Philippines.” He emphasized UMTC’s commitment to “training your good seafarers to become better.”
Bautista enthusiastically welcomes the audience and turns nostalgic, asking the mostly foreign audience, "Kamusta?"
He explains "Kamusta", (Hello, How are you in English), for Filipinos signifies concern, love, and care. It is a sight to behold, he said, "that we have here today all of you celebrating our triumphs over the challenging times. All of you here sharing stories."
Everybody cheers as Bautista exclaims "for all the challenges we have overcome over the recent years and for the challenges that we'll surely overcome in the coming years. Cheers to an awesome 2023!

with industry colleagues
Profile. UMTC currently has over 135 clients worldwide and is expanding. Its' training portfolio covers over 180 courses, including a number of courses adopted by MARINA as the template and benchmarking tool used by maritime training centers nationwide.
To meet the needs of shipowners and managers, UMTC created promotional courses for each rank, from rating to operational and management level.
Electro-Technical Officer (ETO) program, Deck Courses, trade tests, evaluations, and assessments are among the most popular.
This year also marks UMTC’s collaboration with the Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines Inc. (IIEE), the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) only accredited organization of electrical practitioners to bring more competitive Electro-Technical Officers and Electro-Technical Ratings on board.
UMTC is the product of more than two decades of pursuit of training excellence and innovation in the maritime sector.
Established in 1998, it traces its humble beginnings in a single lecture room doubling as the office and another room for culinary training. In 2004, the center expanded its operations to further fulfill the growing need for well-trained seafarers. UMTC finally moved to its present site in the heart of Manila in 2008, providing training for up to 40,000 seafarers annually.
The company keeps expanding, enhancing, and improving to continue providing world-class training to seafarers.