New Courses to Meet the Needs in the Maritime Industry
The expansion of the maritime industry and its demand for a skilled workforce has led United Marine Training Center (UMTC) to develop new courses and programs geared toward producing skilled professionals and competent seafarers who can meet the needs and challenges of the industry.
These new courses and programs aim to provide seafarers with the necessary knowledge and skills required in the various fields of the maritime industry. As the maritime industry continues to evolve, UMTC recognizes the importance of staying ahead of the curve by equipping seafarers with relevant and up-to-date skills to ensure their success in this growing field.
This 5-day course provides trainees with an in-depth understanding of Islamic dietary laws and practices, and food safety, as well as practical training on the preparation and cooking of meals based on Halal standards.

After the training, the trainees are expected to:
- Define countries that serve Halal food.
- Define the Culinary customs of Halal cuisine.
- Maintain food safety and sanitation.
- Prepare Halal food.
Moreover, UMTC launches Assessment Programs for Masters and Chief Engineers to ensure that professionals in the field are equipped with the latest regulatory compliance information and competencies to maintain the highest standards of safety and efficiency on board ships.

PCL Attendees/representatives with Assessors Capt. Jess Pascual, Capt. Isaias Despi Jr., C/E Florence Nicolas
This 5-day Assessment Program covers the following topics:
- Bridge Resource Management
- Engine Resource Management
- Bridge/Engine room navigation and operations
The assessment was led by UMTC's experts, Deck Training Officer-in-Charge, Capt. Isaias Despi Jr., Capt. Jess Pascual, and C/E Florence Nicholas.
Aside from the technical skills, trainees' soft skills were also assessed by licensed Psychometricians, Mr. Jerie Baldomero and Ms. Gianna Calumba to ensure trainees' capacity as UMTC believes that successfully trained seafarers are not only equipped with technical and operational abilities but also have the right behavioral skills.
After this assessment, trainees are expected to perform the following deck objectives:
- Determine the position and accuracy of the resultant fix by any means.
- Establish watchkeeping and arrangement procedures.
- Maintains safe navigation using information from navigation equipment and systems to assist command decisions making.
- Maneuver and handle a ship in all conditions; and
- Use of leadership, teamwork, and managerial skills.
And these are for the Engine Assessment Outcomes:
- Use of leadership, teamwork, and managerial skills
- Manage main propulsion for safe navigation.
- Manage auxiliary engines for safe navigation; and
- Maneuver and handle a ship in all conditions; and
- Manage auxiliary machinery for safe navigation.
In addition to these specific skills courses, UMTC also offers a comprehensive Financial Well-Being course that addresses and guides seafarers to secure and help their dependents manage and achieve financial stability. Last 7 March 2023, The Mission to Seafarers in partnership with Kadmos Fintech Company, collaborated with UMTC to launch this Financial Well-Being program. Twelve qualified trainers were trained to facilitate the succeeding class which covered topics such as money and its impact on well-being, investment planning, and management.
This course includes engaging activities and discussions with practical strategies on how to manage finances and addressed the key contributors of financial instability and methods to maintain the participant’s financial well-being.

UMTC recognizes that successful seafarers need to be equipped with a range of skills, including not only technical and operational abilities but financial literacy as well.
The maritime industry is continuously evolving, and UMTC recognizes the importance of providing seafarers' dynamic needs with relevant and up-to-date skills to ensure their success in this ever-changing field.
For more information about our new courses and assessment programs, please contact us directly at +63 2 8981 66 28 or email us at